International Day to End Obstetric Fistula: Sierra Leone Leading The Way With Data

fistulaSierra Leone is tackling the lack of information on one of the most devastating injuries of childbirth

 Lack of data is an obstacle to tackling obstetric fistula, but now Sierra Leone is addressing the dearth of information, with support from UNFPA and in partnership with development organisation Health Poverty Action and Haikal, and West Africa Fistula Foundation.

 Obstetric fistula is a hole between the vagina and the urethra or the large intestine, often caused by prolonged labour without a trained health worker. Physical effects include uncontrollable discharge of urine and faeces, leading to social complications including the rejection of women by their husbands and communities, and ultimately, isolation. It can cause feelings of shame, leading to depression. Some patients may suffer nerve damage that can prevent walking, and kidney disease that can lead to death if left untreated.

 Prevention and treatment
Fistula can be prevented and treated if health systems are able to provide accessible, quality maternal health care, including family planning, skilled care at birth, basic and comprehensive obstetric care, and affordable treatment after fistula occurs.

 Lack of data
Governments and other partners need data on fistula to understand the issue and include measures to prevent and treat fistula in national health plans, but there is a lack of data on fistula.

Fistula usually occurs when women give birth away from a health centre, which means occurrences are often not recorded, and the isolation it causes means many women do not go to a health centre at a later date, when the fistula is continuing to affect them.

Sierra Leone is leading the way in tackling this through a new website, launched to provide comprehensive information on obstetric fistula:

 The website includes:

  • Nation-wide data including figures on known numbers of women with obstetric fistula and the percentage of women screened who have obstetric fistula.
  • Demographic data such as age of occurrence, and literacy rates of women with fistula.
  • A breakdown of obstetric fistula figures by district.
  • Tools for health workers including an Obstetric Fistula Prevention and Repair Toolkit.

Regina Bash-Taqi, Sierra Leone Country Director at Health Poverty Action said: “Obstetric fistula is one of the worst things a woman can go through. She loses her child and dignity in one blow. The dearth of data has been a huge obstacle to tackling it in many countries but now Sierra Leone is slowly building up the data needed. For the first time Sierra Leone has comprehensive data on line.”


Notes to editors
The website is being run by Health Poverty Action, in partnership with Haikal Foundation, Aberdeen Women’s Centre and West African Fistula Foundation.

Health Poverty Action is a registered charity (no. 290535). We work to strengthen poor and marginalised people in their struggle for health. Founded by doctors in 1984, we currently work in 13 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America.

We work alongside local communities around the world for access to quality health services for all, as well as working on areas such as nutrition, water, sanitation, and income generation, tackling all the factors which impact on health.

 For further information please contact:
Rosa Ellis
0207 840 3744
07821 008 145

Health Poverty Action, Ground Floor, 31-33 Bondway, London, SW8 1SJ 
Switchboard: 020 7840 3777  

About CEN 758 Articles
Critique Echo Newspaper is a major source of news and objective analyses about governance, democracy and human-right. Edited and published in Kenema city, eastern Sierra Leone, the outlet is generally referred to as a level plying ground for the youths, women and children.

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