The SLPP Germany chapter is poised to elect a new executive on Saturday, 7th November this year and there is frenzied campaign ongoing behind the scene. According to a WhatsApp message circulated by a Sir Sam Sonjor , who introduced himself as Director of an unverified institution named “SLPP Germany Prestigious International Online School of Sierra Leone Politics”, the election will take place on the above stated date at Pfortenstr. 55, 60386 Frankfurt am Main. Since Sonjor’s message referred to the gathering as a “general meeting” instead of elections, attendants might expect anything on that day. Many relevant questions still remain unanswered. This is the first time a clear information regarding the planned election is made public.
Attempts to source out information from key chapter members have so far proved futile.
In an email questionnaire sent to Messrs Ben Sannoh, Philip Bona and Ibrahim Sheriff who are vying for the chairmanship on Sunday 18th instant, Critique Echo asked the following questions for the benefit of current and future members of the chapter:
Dear Dr Sannoh,
Dear Mr. Sheriff,
Dear Mr. Bona,

It’s high up to my understanding that the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) Germany chapter has scheduled its executive elections on Saturday, 7th November 2015 at Frankfurt am Main, and all current members and future enthusiasts of the chapter are expected to participate. However, there seemed to be no open platform for the general public to discuss issues intrinsic to the planned elections.
In view of the above and with special reference to our recent publication about the same subject on Friday, 16th instant and various comments received on it from interested individuals, I’m hereby requesting your cooperation to comment on the following points for the benefit of the general public, particularly those who are interested in future membership of the chapter:
Dr. Bend Sannoh
1) You are about to conduct an executive election on 7th November this year,
- What modalities have you put in place so far?
- When is your executive going to resign?
- Who have you identified to oversee the electoral process?
- How many executive positions are there in the chapter?
- Who has so far expressed interest in what positions?
- Who is allowed to vote or be voted for on that day?
- How many pay up members are there in the chapter?
- Can you please send us copy of the chapter’s constitution for possible publication in Critique Echo and for the interest of prospective members?
2) You commented on our last publication that there is only one SLPP in Germany and that it’s registered in Dortmund as SLPP Germany e.V. Can you please: –
- Name the board members at the time of registration?
- When did the registration take place?
- Is the registration still valid?
- If it has exceeded some years, when last did you renew it?
- Can you send us copy of the registration certificate for publication in Critique Echo?
3) You asked your compatriots in your declaration letter to give you a third term chance, can you please tell them what is your new blueprint for the progress of the chapter?
4) Many people I have spoken to about the chapter are requesting transparency, accountability, detribalization and broader inclusiveness, how ready are you to ensure all that in a future administration, if reelected?
5) Some people don’t take the chapter seriously because it’s not recognized in Freetown, when and how can you ensure that the chapter gain a full recognition in Freetown?
6) Should you lose the forthcoming election, can you mention one unforgettable legacy of your current administration?
7) Can you please tell me one mistake you may have done in your regime which you hope to correct, if reelected?
8) What shall be your plan B, should you lose the forthcoming election – how cooperative shall you be to a future administration?
Mr Ibrahim Sheriff

1) You have once led the SLPP Germany chapter and you are vying for the post again, can you please tell the general public one of your positive legacies, if any?
2) Can you please tell me why did you fail to register the chapter in Freetown, even though SLPP was in power in Sierra Leone at that time?
3) You have asked the chapter to give you another chance, can you please tell me what is your new blueprint for the progress of the chapter?
4) You are going to Frankfurt am Main on 7th November with the hope of being elected as the new Chairman of SLPP Germany, what are your recommendations to Dr. Ben Sannoh and his administration with regards to modalities, program of event etc. in order to ensure a successful conduct of the election?
5) Many people I have spoken to about the chapter are requesting transparency, accountability, detribalization and broader inclusiveness, how ready are you to ensure all that in a future administration, if elected?
6) Some people don’t take the chapter seriously because it’s not recognized in Freetown, when and how can you ensure that the chapter gain a full recognition in Freetown?
7) Can you please tell me one mistake you may have done in your regime which you hope to correct, if reelected?
8) What shall be your plan B, should you lose the forthcoming election – how cooperative and supportive shall you be to a future administration?
Mr. Philip Bona
1) You want to become Chairman of SLPP Germany chapter, can you please tell me what is motivating you to vie for such position?

2) You once served as the Secretary General, but I meant to understand that you abandoned the position very quickly, can you please explain why?
3) How can you assure the chapter that you would not abandon the Chairmanship as well, if elected?
4) You will agree with me that the Secretary General of every political institution is the administration backbone, which mean you had the opportunity to improve the chapter including registering it in Sierra Leone. Can you please tell me why did you fail to do so?
5) Can you please tell me what is your new blueprint for the progress of the chapter, if elected?
6) Many people I have spoken to about the chapter are requesting transparency, accountability, detribalization and broader inclusiveness, how ready are you to ensure all that in a future administration, if elected?
7) Some people don’t take the chapter seriously because it’s not recognized in Freetown, when and how can you ensure that the chapter gain a full recognition in Freetown?
8) You are going to Frankfurt am Main on 7th November with the hope of being elected as the new Chairman of SLPP Germany, what are your recommendations to Dr Ben Sannoh and his administration with regards to modalities, program of event etc. in order to ensure a successful conduct of the election?
9) What shall be your plan B, should you lose the forthcoming election – how cooperative and supportive shall you remain to a future administration?
Thank you for your time and usual cooperation.
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