UNPP Plans Intercontinental Meeting

UNPPlampThe United National Peoples Party (UNPP) is planning to hold crucial meetings in Germany, Canada, UK, USA and Australia chapters to assess, reflect and map out the growth and strategy of the party. The meeting will be chair by our National Leader, Mr. Christo Sheffu Palmer. We are also kindly asking all members, intending members and supporters to update their contact information. Please forward all contact information and question to info@unppsl.org . Thank you in advance for your corporation and support.

The UNPP, the third party to ever have a minority leader in the history of Sierra Leone has reorganize itself again as in 1996 to turn the tide of history for our beloved country Sierra Leone come 2017.

The UNPP believes every generation has a historic responsibility. The generation before ours works hard for our country to be free. The task before our own generation is for us to build on the achievement of our heroes past, and bequeath an ending legacy for future generation. The UNPP also believes that the course of history has place on all true patriots the enormous task of building a better Sierra Leone, be a part and Let Make History. http://www.unppsl.org

National secretary General
Sheik Gibril Koroma

About CEN 758 Articles
Critique Echo Newspaper is a major source of news and objective analyses about governance, democracy and human-right. Edited and published in Kenema city, eastern Sierra Leone, the outlet is generally referred to as a level plying ground for the youths, women and children.

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